For the ULTIMATE Travel Experience, please be sure you have each of these in your travel pack on your next trip!
Here are my Favorite Travel Gadgets:
Travel Drone: DJI Mavic Air
I take all my drone shots on the DJI Mavic Air. There is nothing like. It’s small but super powerful. It’s compact and easy to carry. You can almost… not quite, but almost carry it in your pocket. It shoots at 4k and has been the most fun toy I’ve had since the original Playstation! Check it out here:
iPhone X:
Once I made the decision to go all out on travel blogging, the iPhone X became a no-brainer. It’s an excellent video and photo camera. It shoots in 4k. It’s also very discreet and you won’t attract unwanted attention with a bulky Canon camera. The quality is amazing. Of course, get the highest storage possible (256 GB for me). If you’re an avid travel blogger and don’t want to go bulk up on the professional Canon cameras, this is a perfect device. Check out the iPhone X here:
Travel Club: DreamTrips
This is a Travel Club with over a million members. There are thousands of amazing pre-packaged trips all over the world for a fraction of the cost of what you normally would pay for.
They basically bulk buy hotels and excursions all over the world and pass the savings onto its members.
They have amazing experiences to remote areas all over the world. The experiences are unique, very well organized, cost-effective, and you always have a group of fun people to travel with! I actually stopped using them because their trip scheduled didn’t always align with Carina and my schedule, but if you have a pretty open schedule, they’re great!
Click here to check out DreamTrips.